For those who have an interest - even if only a passing one - in the sometimes bizarre activities of Scotland's Top Mind Master, DREW McADAM.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

July 2008

School For Genius is a current 4-part series on the BBC in which I visit Primary 7 kids at various schools and teach them some of the techniques employed in my shows - everything from memory techniques to understanding body language and beyond. These same techniques were also been taught to a musician, a 5-times bowls world champion, a karate champion, and a trainee solicitor so that they can use these skills within their own fields of expertise. The whole thing is edited, pruned down into snappy 30-minute programmes, and broadcast each week. It’s just so much FUN!

A repeat of episode 2 goes out on BBC Radio Scotland this Sunday at 3.05pm, and then Episode 3 goes out on Monday Morning at 11.30am.

You can catch up on a couple of the past programmes here, though each episode only remains “live” for a week.

And you can see the video shorts here…


(One of the rather nice by-products of the programme is that it was heard by my cousin, and he got in contact… after almost 40 years! Reunited. Now, we have a flurry of emails going back and forth between myself and my cousins, DEREK and JUNE.) Cool!

Wasn’t July great? There was terrific weather – a lot of the time - and suddenly we knew that summer was here. And with summer comes… well, wasps, yes, but also the Edinburgh Festival. Now, one young mind-reader on whom I’ve been keeping an eye is “Young” COLIN MCLEOD. I know that some of you have seen Colin’s talents – and he IS one of the freshest thinkers in our art at this time. The Daily Record has mentioned the word “Incredible”. Chat Magazine: “You’ll be amazed.” Uri Geller has described him as one of the greatest thought readers of our time.” And Scotland’s foremost mind-reader has said of him that he is a “ba’ heid.” (Sorry, Colin. Just kidding!)

Anyway, Colin is putting on a week-long run of shows in Edinburgh. If you live within striking distance, and you like the kind of stuff I do, then I urge you to catch the performance if you possibly can. Let’s support the young up-and-coming talent out there! You’ll find details at The show runs from the 1st till the 7th of August (no show on the 4th) kicking off at 7pm each evening at Tea Tree Tea, 13 Bread Street Edinburgh EH3 9AL. The show lasts one hour, and tickets cost £5 – either reserved, or on the door. See you there!

I was given the opportunity of performing at BBC HEADQUARTERS in GLASGOW this month to promote my series “School For Genius” within the BBC organisation -and as a way of saying thanks to the fantastic BBC crew. (That’s ANNE, PETE, VIC and LUCY.) Now, JEFF ZYCINSKI is the Big Cheese at BBC Scotland and he backed this project all the way… He has a remarkably funny online blog in which he displays a wonderful turn of phrase - and you all know how much I take delight in that. You can check out his brilliant blog here:

I managed to get away for a few days this month, and travelled by car, ferry and bus through the splendour that is our West Coast, exploring the history, the hills, the lochs and the islands. And generally relaxing. Braw!

On another day off (all too rare) I spent a great afternoon at the home of Jazz Guitar Supremo MARCUS FORD. (Remember, he took me a trip across the Southern Highlands in his ‘plane last year?) It was relaxing – and, as always with Marcus, great fun. Thanks chum!

It was a weird and wonderful collection of gigs this month; and all the more fun for that. There was a very swish private party just outside PERTH. Then there was GLEDDOCH HOUSE, Hotel and Golf Club. I had a wonderful time, and an equally wonderful gig, at KEELE UNIVERSITY in Staffordshire. (I’m looking forward to a return gig there at the beginning of next year. I just hope Dan the Sound Man will be there again!) There was the aforementioned gig in the impressive BBC Headquarters, and then it was straight on to a training session at KENMORE, a trip during which my GPS took me by way of Glen Quaich. This is a steep – and I mean pucker-factor 9 steep - single-track road up and over a mountain by way of blind hairpin bends. (If you stall, you’re going to hurtle backwards and drop 1200 feet… It’s not something you want to do. Really, it’s not.)

I also had the pleasure of appearing in a marquee at the KENWICK PARK HOTEL near LOUTH. It was a great gig, despite the fact that we were in a massive marquee and the temperature during the day had been up to a sweltering 29 degrees. Sweaty suit time. And in yet another marquee event, this time at ABERDOUR, I was on with Dorothy Paul – a real stalwart of Scottish TV and theatre. And a funny, funny lady.

What was really nice was that some people who I haven’t seen in a long time found themselves at the venue that evening, though we didn’t have too much time to talk. Hello to SEAN THE SHEEP. And hello to KAREN nee MITCHELL, who grew up just one house away from me in North Berwick, and her husband WILLIE CROWE – we were in the same class at school. It was GREAT to meet up with you after all this time!

The Aberdour show is one of, oh, let me think, yes ONE public performances I have given. Everything else is private and/or corporate… That’s what I’ve always concentrated on. That’s what I like. (My comfort zone!)

However, here’s a heads-up for those who don’t mind a drive into West Lothian. Local theatre. October 24th… Public performance. Stick it in your diary. Details to follow later. (And to GORDON and HILARY GILTRAP… that’s the evening before you’re on in Roslyn Chapel, Edinburgh. You see me… I see you… Hey, how about the UK’s top guitarist as my support act? How cool would THAT be? As long as I get to open for YOU!)

Next month, I’m recording another couple of episodes on The Trisha Show – always exciting, that - along with a few other interesting gigs and projects.

It really has been another great month… For those with whom I have shared a little bit of it, and you with me. Thanks!
